Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Tables - Corposcindosis
Changes to Individual Effectors in the Denerverd Area
Effector Sympathetic Effect Parasympathetic
Effect (if any)
Predicted Change From Sympathectomy Empirical Status
heart increase heart rate decrease heart rate reduced heart rate confirmed
increase heart contraction strength decrease heart contraction strength reduced heart contraction strength not studied
increase cardiac response to exercise decrease cardiac response to exercise reduced cardiac response to exercise confirmed
baroreflex increase heart rate decrease heart rate decreased baroreflex control of heart rate confirmed
blood vessels Constrict surface blood vessels
loss of vasoconstriction confirmed
Dilate deep blood vessels via NO release
Loss of NO modulated vasodilation confirmed
lungs dilate bronchial tubes constrict bronchial tubes Diminished lung volume confirmed
facilitate CO2 transfer
reduced CO2 transfer confirmed
sweat glands Secrete sweat
anhidrosis confirmed
arrector pili muscles goose bumps/physical pleasure
loss of goosebumps/physical pleasure not studied
muscles release nitric oxide (NO), dilate muscular blood vessels
loss of NO release, atrophy, fiber splitting, necrosis, phagocytosis, fibrosis confirmed in rabbits, no human studies
sensory nerves modulate sensitivity, physical pleasure
reduced tactile sensitivity confirmed
adipose tissue inhibit fat cell creation
increased fat cell number confirmed in hamsters, no human study
stimulate lipolysis (fat burning) stimulate lipogenisis (fat storage) decreased fat burning, increased fat cell size confirmed in hamsters, no human study
bone inhibit bone resorption stimulate bone resorption increased bone resorption confirmed in rats, no human study
inhibit interluken 1 alpha production
increased interluken 1 alpha production confirmed in rats, no human study
stimulate tumor necrosis factor (TNF) production
decreased TNF production confirmed in rats, no human study
thyroid facilitate iodide uptake
reduced iodide uptake confirmed in rats, no human studies
increase thyroid weight
loss of thyroid weight confirmed in rats, no human studies
increase thyroid metabolism generally
hypothyroidism unstudied

Changes to Systemic Function
Body System Predicted Change from Sympathectomy Empirical Status
loss of upper body sweating + loss of selective brain cooling = trouble staying cool

loss of surface vasoconstriction + loss of deep tissue vasodilation + decreased fat burning = trouble staying warm

increased upper body skin temperature = false messages from thermo-receptors

thermal Images.

Goldstein’s (NINDS) core-body temperature study (not yet published) shows significant problems maintaining core body temperature against both hot and cold .

Nielson website listing “Heat Intolerance” among side effects.

anecdotal complaints of heat and cold intolerance abound.
exercise capacity reduced cardiac output + reduced baroreflex + diminished lung volume + reduced evaporative cooling + inability to redistribute blow flow into deep muscle = reduced exercise capacity reductions in every measure: cardiac index, heart rate, mean arterial pressure, rate–pressure product, stroke index, Changes_to_Systemic_Function%2C_part_ vascular resistance. “significant reduction in baroreflex response to exercise”.
more studies needed
endocrine function lowered blood catecholamines confirmed
mental and emotional Loss of body-state changes in response to strong emotion + Loss of feedback signal to brain = Reduced subjective experience of emotion

Loss of sympathetic tone to cerebral artery + lowered blood catechols + loss of selective brain cooling = lowered alertness
Critchley, et. al. report “Changes in bodily states, particularly those mediated by the autonomic nervous system, are crucial to ongoing emotional experience”.
Telaranta reports significant reduction in “fear” and “alertness” in studies of ETS on mental patients.

lack of informed consent + disturbing physical condition = profound anger + depression = suicide, suicidal ideation one confirmed U.S. ETS suicide, anecdotal reports abound
immune function decreased tumor necrosis factor = increased tumors unstudied
decreased immune response + decreased blood cathechols = slow healing confirmed in rat skin, no human studies
body fat reduction in exercise capacity + reduced fat burning = increase in fat cell number + increase in fat cell size confirmed in rats, no human studies
Compensatory Changes in Fucntional Areas
Predicted Change from Sympthectomy
Empirical Confirmation?
sweat glands
hyperactive sweating
yes - "compensatory hyperhidrosis"
surface blood vessels
overly constricted
studies needed
deep blood vessels
overly dilated
studies needed
immune Function
increased inflammatory response
studies needed
adipose (fat) tissue
increased fat burning
studies needed
arrector pili muscles hyperactive goosebumps studies needed
sex organs (male) difficulty achieving erection, more intense orgasm if achieved anecdotal reports of loss of libido, studies needed
sex organs (female) difficulty achieving clitoral erection, reduced lubrication, more intense orgasm if achieved anecdotal reports of loss of libido, studies needed
Possible Collateral Damage
Body System Proximity to Target Area Function Predicted Change If Accidentally Damaged Empirical Status
T1 sympathetic ganglion immediately above T2 on sympathetic chain innervates eyes, eyelids, heart, lungs, sweat glands, etc. horner's syndrome confirmed
intercostal nerves immediately behind sympathetic trunk and running along each rib provides sensory innervation to ribs and connecting tissue intercostal neuralgia, nerve pain confirmed
brachial plexus emerges from spine, C5-T1, into axillae provides motor function to arms paralysis of arms confirmed
lung must be deflated for thoracic surgery O2 in, CO2 out pleural adhesion, collapsed lung confirmed